Silver Basis-Sets:


247 5 
0 1  3  8.  1.
  4.802614   -1.4352    -.79369
  4.451282    2.0871     .71645
  1.540464   -1.0678     .70801
0 1  1  1.  1.
  0.59961     1.0        1.0
0 1  1  0.  1.
  0.18706     1.0        1.0
0 3  3 10.  1.
   3.3910     0.122831
   1.5990     0.417171
   0.6282     0.453388
0 3  1  0.  1.
   0.2079     1.

E. Apra', E. Stefanovich, R. Dovesi and C. Roetti, 
``An ab initio Hartree-Fock study of silver chloride'',
Chem. Phys. Lett. 186, 329-335 (1991).


247 6
0 1 2   8.0  1.00
 5.8231   0.5286  -0.4178
 4.8342  -1.0470   0.1120
0 1 1   1.0  1.00
 1.8530   1.0000   1.0000
0 1 1   0.0  1.00
 0.7715   1.0000   1.0000
0 1 1   0.0  1.00
 0.1200   1.0000   1.0000
0 3 3  10.0  1.00
21.3210  -0.0140
 2.6260   2.4560
 1.0070   4.6721
0 3 1   0.0  1.00
 0.3110   1.0000


47 9
0 0 9 2.0 1.2611           
  2288090.0      0.0000488 
   341566.0      0.000384 
    73992.5      0.00225 
    18814.5      0.0112 
     5396.99     0.0466 
     1713.64     0.1557 
      605.653    0.3518 
      239.056    0.4262 
       99.5792   0.1824 
0 1 7 8.0 1.305           
     6189.44    -0.000297   0.00104 
     1429.72    -0.00641    0.00958 
      436.118   -0.0546     0.0568 
      153.621   -0.1473     0.2186 
       61.1694   0.1543     0.4557 
       27.6797   0.6284     0.4277 
       13.1763   0.3887     0.1678 
0 1 6 8.0 1.3888       
      117.917    0.0064    -0.0144 
       45.6255  -0.0354    -0.0695 
       19.2559  -0.3267     0.0428 
        8.5052   0.0399     0.885 
        3.9101   0.9503     1.2813 
        1.8065   0.381      0.3893 
0 3 6 10.0 1.0          
      323.345    0.0117 
       96.312    0.0825 
       35.8605   0.2757 
       14.7319   0.4603 
        6.3294   0.3518 
        2.5577   0.0712 
0 1 3 8.0 1.0          
        5.9759  -4.2389    -0.0662 
        2.738    1.4818     0.5457 
        1.2022   9.9774     0.9258 
0 1 1 1.0 1.0               5sp
        0.4590   1.0        1.0 
0 3 4 10.0 1.0          
       11.2183   0.0146 
        4.1818   0.1881 
        1.7211   0.4839 
        0.679    0.4861 
0 3 1 0.0 1.0          
        0.2260   1.0 
0 1 1 0.0 1.0            
        0.1190       1.0       1.0

47 12
0 0 6 2. 1.
   215086.1000000000       -0.0016282000
    32258.5900000000       -0.0124620700
     7324.3640000000       -0.0625339200
     2061.3100000000       -0.2174846000
      669.7476000000       -0.4636648000
      230.6433000000       -0.3824311000
0 0 3 2. 1.
      439.1541000000        0.1129571000
       53.4219400000       -0.6320099000
       22.9168500000       -0.4423542000
0 0 3 2. 1.
       42.1564100000       -0.2599066000
        7.4525890000        0.8150261000
        3.3834740000        0.3302085000
0 0 3 2. 1.
        6.5120310000        0.3148473000
        1.4164640000       -0.7927725000
        0.5931208000       -0.3990682000
0 2 5 6. 1.
     3110.4580000000        0.0075053880
      735.0494000000        0.0576511500
      234.7803000000        0.2388160000
       85.0022300000        0.5073984000
       32.2947900000        0.3590847000
0 2 3 6. 1.
      128.9916000000       -0.0243955000
       15.3032100000        0.4978926000
        5.7835900000        0.5752186000
0 2 2 6. 1.
        2.5052560000       -0.4091123000
        1.0423260000       -0.5303257000
0 1  1  1.  1.
  0.59961     1.0        1.0
0 1  1  0.  1.
  0.20706     1.0        1.0
0 3 5 10. 1.
      310.2736000000       -0.0128080400
       91.1443400000       -0.0917817100
       33.2196200000       -0.3079296000
       12.9831500000       -0.5026952000
        5.0137570000       -0.3158562000
0 3  3 10.  1.
   3.3910     0.122831
   1.5990     0.417171
   0.6282     0.453388
0 3  1  0.  1.
   0.2579     1.


247 9
19. 0 2 2 2 2 0
 13.130000 255.139365 0
 6.510000 36.866122 0
 11.740000 182.181869 0
 6.200000 30.357751 0
 10.210000 73.719261 0
 4.380000 12.502117 0
 14.220000 -33.689920 0
 7.110000 -5.531120 0
0 0 3 2. 1
  9.0884420    -1.9648132
  7.5407310     2.7332194
  2.7940050     0.1991148
0 0 1 1. 1
  1.4801580     1.0000000
0 0 1 0. 1
  0.65     1.0000000
0 0 1 0. 1
  0.16           1.
0 2 2 6. 1
  4.4512400   -6.0833780
  3.6752630    6.4168543
0 2 2 0. 1
  1.2912880    0.7539735
  0.6525780    0.2730597
0 2 1 0. 1
  0.38         1.0000000
0 3 4 10. 1
  7.9947300   -0.0163876
  2.7847730    0.2814107
  1.2097440    0.4863264
  0.5053930    0.3867258
0 3 1 0.  1
  0.198851     1.

K. Doll, P. Pyykk"o, H. Stoll,
Closed-shell interaction in silver and gold chlorides,
J. Chem. Phys. 109, 2339-2345, (1998)

based on the pseudopotential and basis set from:

D. Andrae, U. Ha"ussermann, M. Dolg, H. Stoll, and H. Preuss,
Theor.  Chim. Acta 77, 123 (1990)


 247 9
19. 0 2 2 2 2 0
 13.130000 255.139365 0
 6.510000 36.866122 0
 11.740000 182.181869 0
 6.200000 30.357751 0
 10.210000 73.719261 0
 4.380000 12.502117 0
 14.220000 -33.689920 0
 7.110000 -5.531120 0
0  0  3  2.0  1.0
   9.08844   -1.964813
   7.54073    2.733219
   2.79401    0.199115
0  0  1  1.0  1.0
   1.48016    1.000000
0  0  1  0.0  1.0
   0.63       1.000000
0  0  1  0.0  1.0
   0.11       1.000000
0  2  2  6.0  1.0
   4.45124   -6.083378
   3.67526    6.416854
0  2  2  0.0  1.0
   1.29129    0.753974
   0.65258    0.273060
0  2  1  0.0  1.0
   0.23000    1.000000
0  3  4 10.0  1.0
   7.99473   -0.016388
   2.78477    0.281411
   1.20974    0.486326
   0.50539    0.386726
0  3  1  0.0  1.0
   0.18       1.000000

K. Doll and N. M. Harrison,
Theoretical study of chlorine adsorption on the Ag111 surface
Phys. Rev. B 63, 165410 (2001)

based on the pseudopotential and basis set from:
D. Andrae, U. Ha"ussermann, M. Dolg, H. Stoll, and H. Preuss,
Theor.  Chim. Acta 77, 123 (1990)


247 8
19. 0 2 4 4 2 0
  12.567714 255.054771 0
   6.997662  36.983393 0
  11.316496  60.715705 0
  10.958063 121.443889 0
   7.111400  10.171866 0
   6.773319  20.486564 0
   8.928437  29.504938 0
  11.102567  44.018736 0
   5.543212   5.368333 0
   3.928835   7.408375 0
  11.012913 -12.623403 0
  11.019898 -16.764327 0
0 0 3 2 1.0
  9.08844200000     -1.980891879700
  7.54073100000      2.755451334700
  2.79400500000      0.227154083810
0 0 1 2 1.0
  1.23043317000      1.000000000000
0 0 1 0 1.0
  0.18387114000      1.000000000000
0 2 4 6 1.0
  4.45124000000     -0.993521037710
  3.67526300000      1.050052523700
  1.26106209050      0.647475325370
  0.54212477498      0.256215507230
0 2 1 0 1.0
  0.15011983000      1.000000000000
0 3 4 9 1.0
  7.79566722920     -0.017042912377
  2.89265102380      0.234461548030
  1.24742732030      0.447658775330
  0.49313817671      0.390649545600
0 3 1 0 1.0
  0.15938987000      1.000000000000
0 4 1 0 1.0
  1.39711000000      1.000000000000

J. Laun, D. V. Oliveira, T. Bredow J. Comput. Chem. 39 (2018) 1285-1290 
" Consistent gaussian basis sets of double- and triple-zeta valence with polarization quality of the fifth period for solid-state calculations ", DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25195


247 11
19. 0 2 4 4 2 0
  12.567714 255.054771 0
   6.997662  36.983393 0
  11.316496  60.715705 0
  10.958063 121.443889 0
   7.111400  10.171866 0
   6.773319  20.486564 0
   8.928437  29.504938 0
  11.102567  44.018736 0
   5.543212   5.368333 0
   3.928835   7.408375 0
  11.012913 -12.623403 0
  11.019898 -16.764327 0
0 0 2 2 1.0
  19.0000000000     -0.166001041410
  15.4281999330      0.356650959180
0 0 1 1 1.0
  6.19396860000      1.000000000000
0 0 1 0 1.0
  1.25778091000      1.000000000000
0 0 1 0 1.0
  0.38143809000      1.000000000000
0 2 4 6 1.0
  13.1881801800      0.066928737147
  7.79527891380     -0.247352354090
  2.03515719120      0.491542802160
  0.98093914842      0.497416090060
0 2 1 0 1.0
  0.37969688000      1.000000000000
0 2 1 0 1.0
  0.15000001000      1.000000000000
0 3 4 10 1.0
  25.7843973510      0.003564506308
  11.3966367550     -0.012984262784
  2.73455813610      0.241088265480
  1.18735836050      0.424123307440
0 3 1 0 1.0
  0.47680698000      1.000000000000
0 3 1 0 1.0
  0.16383819000      1.000000000000
0 4 1 0 1.0
  1.39711000000      1.000000000000

J. Laun, D. V. Oliveira, T. Bredow J. Comput. Chem. 39 (2018) 1285-1290 
" Consistent gaussian basis sets of double- and triple-zeta valence with polarization quality of the fifth period for solid-state calculations ", DOI: 10.1002/jcc.25195


247 11
19. 0 2 4 4 2 0
  12.567714 255.054771 0
   6.997662  36.983393 0
  11.316496  60.715705 0
  10.958063 121.443889 0
   7.111400  10.171866 0
   6.773319  20.486564 0
   8.928437  29.504938 0
  11.102567  44.018736 0
   5.543212   5.368333 0
   3.928835   7.408375 0
  11.012913 -12.623403 0
  11.019898 -16.764327 0
0 0 2 2 1.0
  19.0000000000     -0.166001041410
  15.4281999330      0.356650959180
0 0 1 1 1.0
  6.51041165000      1.000000000000
0 0 1 0 1.0
  1.15010024000      1.000000000000
0 0 1 0 1.0
  0.15069126000      1.000000000000
0 2 4 6 1.0
  13.1881801800      0.066928737147
  7.79527891380     -0.247352354090
  2.03515719120      0.491542802160
  0.98093914842      0.497416090060
0 2 1 0 1.0
  0.38690507000      1.000000000000
0 2 1 0 1.0
  0.12043653000      1.000000000000
0 3 4 10 1.0
  25.7843973510      0.003564506308
  11.3966367550     -0.012984262784
  2.73455813610      0.241088265480
  1.18735836050      0.424123307440
0 3 1 0 1.0
  0.41210766000      1.000000000000
0 3 1 0 1.0
  0.19662803000      1.000000000000
0 4 1 0 1.0
  0.46700165000      1.000000000000

J. Laun, T. Bredow J. Comput. Chem.  (2022), 43:839-846
"BSSE-corrected consistent Gaussian basis sets of triple-zeta valence with polarization quality of the fifth period for solid-state calculation", DOI: 10.1002/jcc.26839


247 11
0 0 2 2 1.0
  19.0000000000     -0.166001041410
  15.4281999330      0.356650959180
0 0 1 1 1.0
  6.51041165000      1.000000000000
0 0 1 0 1.0
  1.15010024000      1.000000000000
0 0 1 0 1.0
  0.15069126000      1.000000000000
0 2 4 6 1.0
  13.1881801800      0.066928737147
  7.79527891380     -0.247352354090
  2.03515719120      0.491542802160
  0.98093914842      0.497416090060
0 2 1 0 1.0
  0.38690507000      1.000000000000
0 2 1 0 1.0
  0.12043653000      1.000000000000
0 3 4 10 1.0
  25.7843973510      0.003564506308
  11.3966367550     -0.012984262784
  2.73455813610      0.241088265480
  1.18735836050      0.424123307440
0 3 1 0 1.0
  0.41210766000      1.000000000000
0 3 1 0 1.0
  0.19662803000      1.000000000000
0 4 1 0 1.0
  0.46700165000      1.000000000000

J. Laun, T. Bredow J. Comput. Chem.  (2022), 43:839-846
"BSSE-corrected consistent Gaussian basis sets of triple-zeta valence with polarization quality of the fifth period for solid-state calculation", DOI: 10.1002/jcc.26839
Desmarais, J. K., Flament, J. P., Erba, A. (2020). Spin-orbit coupling in periodic systems with broken time-reversal symmetry: Formal and computational aspects. Physical Review B, 101(23), 235142.

Note: To be used with CRYSTAL23