Chlorine Basis-Sets:


17 5
0 0 8 2. 1.
135320. 0.000225
 19440. 0.00191
 4130. 0.01110
 1074. 0.04989
 323.4 0.1703
 111.1 0.3683
 43.4 0.4036
 18.18 0.1459
0 1 6 8. 1.
 324.8 -0.00763 0.00820
 73.00 -0.0829 0.0605
 23.71 -0.1046 0.2115
 9.138 0.2540 0.3765
 3.930 0.695 0.3967
 1.329 0.399 0.186
0 1 3 7. 1.
 4.755 -0.3740 -0.0340
 1.756 -0.4754 0.1617
 0.785 1.3400 0.9250
0 1 1 0. 1.
 0.323 1. 1.
0 1 1 0. 1.
 0.125 1. 1.

E. Apra', M. Causà, M. Prencipe, R. Dovesi and V.R. Saunders, 
``On the structural properties of NaCl. An ab initio study of the B1-B2 phase transition'',
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 5, 2969-2976 (1993).


217 2
0 1 3 7. 1.
4.221 -0.0338 -0.0657
1.769 -0.3131 0.090
0.498 .8138 0.5776
0 1 1 0. 1.
0.131 1.0 1.0

M. Prencipe, Laurea Thesis (pages 87-89) (1990).

See also:


17 10
0 0 7 2.0 1.0
 69507.990945 0.00054314897497
 10426.156880 0.00419904639610
 2373.2334061 0.02159214167900
 671.56420071 0.08459885009400
 218.41999790 0.24757249724000
 77.572249714 0.47016930228000
 28.888815277 0.37436370716000
0 0 3 2.0 1.0
 127.10527185 0.02518216660300
 39.339582961 0.10786112456000
 7.6740679989 -0.27408821574000
0 0 2 2.0 1.0
 3.8745627630 1.32138750140000
 1.8385832573 0.68636955368000
0 0 1 0.0 1.0
 0.4498594500 1.00000000000000
0 0 1 0.0 1.0
 0.1363703100 1.00000000000000
0 2 5 6.0 1.0
 666.50423284 0.00236326638360
 157.64241690 0.01887930037400
 50.262520978 0.08720634127300
 18.536078105 0.25285612970000
 7.2940532777 0.43507154820000
0 2 1 5.0 1.0
 2.80149164000 1.00000000000000
0 2 1 0.0 1.0
 0.73964278000 1.00000000000000
0 2 1 0.0 1.0
 0.21056105000 1.00000000000000
0 3 1 0.0 1.0
 0.23728440000 1.00000000000000

M. F. Peintinger, D. Vilela Oliveira, and T. Bredow
"Consistent Gaussian Basis Sets of Triple-Zeta Valence with 
Polarization Quality for Solid-State Calculations",
Journal of Computational Chemistry 2012, DOI: 10.1002/jcc.23153


17 8
0 0 5 2 1
  10449.827566      0.0019708362484
  1571.7365221      0.0147547279770
  357.12065523      0.0666791128750
  100.25185935      0.1722892408400
  30.812727554      0.1588378610000
0 0 3 2 1
  51.923789434     -0.1000929890900
  5.7045760975      0.6084175275300
  2.3508376809      0.5435215335500
0 0 1 2 1
  0.5111756700      1.0000000000000 
0 0 1 0 1
  0.1916276100      1.0000000000000 
0 2 5 6 1
  307.66790569     -0.0087801484118
  72.102015515     -0.0635633554710
  22.532680262     -0.2401642827600
  7.8991765444     -0.4779886655700
  2.8767268321     -0.3851585000500
0 2 1 5 1
  1.1066398400      1.0000000000000 
0 2 1 0 1
  0.2588839100      1.0000000000000 
0 3 1 0 1
  0.6513145300      1.0000000000000 

D. Vilela Oliveira, M. F. Peintinger, J. Laun, and T. Bredow
"BSSE-correction scheme for consistent gaussian basis sets of double- and triple-zeta valence with polarization quality for solid-state calculations",
Journal of Computational Chemistry 2019, 40, 2364–2376 DOI: 10.1002/jcc.26013


17 10
0 0 7 2.0 1.0
  69507.990945      0.00054314897497
  10426.156880      0.00419904639610
  2373.2334061      0.02159214167900
  671.56420071      0.08459885009400
  218.41999790      0.24757249724000
  77.572249714      0.47016930228000
  28.888815277      0.37436370716000
0 0 3 2.0 1.0
  127.10527185      0.02518216660300
  39.339582961      0.10786112456000
  7.6740679989     -0.27408821574000
0 0 2 2.0 1.0
  3.8745627630      1.32138750140000
  1.8385832573      0.68636955368000
0 0 1 0.0 1.0
  0.4498594500      1.00000000000000
0 0 1 0.0 1.0
  0.1363703100      1.00000000000000
0 2 5 6.0 1.0
  666.50423284      0.00236326638360
  157.64241690      0.01887930037400
  50.262520978      0.08720634127300
  18.536078105      0.25285612970000
  7.2940532777      0.43507154820000
0 2 1 5.0 1.0
  2.80149164000     1.00000000000000
0 2 1 0.0 1.0
  0.78964278000     1.00000000000000
0 2 1 0.0 1.0
  0.21056105000     1.00000000000000
0 3 1 0.0 1.0
  0.23728440000     1.00000000000000

D. Vilela Oliveira, M. F. Peintinger, J. Laun, and T. Bredow
"BSSE-correction scheme for consistent gaussian basis sets of double- and triple-zeta valence with polarization quality for solid-state calculations",
Journal of Computational Chemistry 2019, 40, 2364–2376 DOI: 10.1002/jcc.26013